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Online Defensive Driving – Twitter Promotion




Get your Texas speeding ticket dismissed and have fun doing it.
Fun and easy online defensive driving course that lets
you work when and from wherever you want.

Save money on our online course with the discount code TWITTER


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Our driving safety school is licensed
by TDLR for the State of Texas.
Our certificates are accepted
by every court in the state.


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We built our online course to be
flexible. You can log in and work
when YOU want, from whatever
device you want.


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If you have any problems with
our online course, our Tech
Support number is available
around the clock to help you.



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Comedy Guys Online Defensive Driving Course

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Dismiss your ticket,
lower your insurance costs,
and have some fun at the same time.

With our course available on mobile devices and with the ability to log in and out as often as you want, the Comedy Guys online defensive driving course is convenient. You can easily get your certificate, lower your insurance costs, and make that ticket go away.

Got some free time but no computer? Login and take our driving safety course on your iPhone, iPad, or Android device! ComedyGuys.com was one of the first defensive driving course made for your iPhone. It is all Internet-based with nothing to download or install. Because it doesn’t require Flash like other courses, you can login anywhere your iPhone, iPad, or Android can get to the Internet.


Our defensive driving online course is now as mobile as you are!

Our Texas state-approved course is all original content, using text, videos, and graphics to cover the state-approved curriculum for ticket dismissal.

Going at your own speed, you’ll work your way through the ten chapters surprisingly quickly.

Sprinkled throughout our online defensive driving course are review questions, all intended to help you to prepare for the 25 multiple-choice test at the end. But don’t let the word “test” intimidate you. You’ll get three tries, and we’re always a phone call away to help you succeed.