How much is a defensive driving/driving safety course?
Our Texas Defensive Driving/Driving Safety Course online costs only $25.00 – the lowest price allowed by law.
We accept all major credit or debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express).
The course price includes:
- Seven short chapters with interactive videos and text with images, short open-book multiple-choice quizzes, and a completion certificate.
- Access to our online course and 24 hour per day customer support.
- No Final Exam. You will be asked questions during the course which make up your course grade.
Why doesn’t my course show up on my Type 3A Driving Record?
Your driving record will only show past events. Since you haven’t turned in your course completion certificate there’s no record of that course with the DPS. Once you have turned in your certificate the court will notify the DPS and in a few weeks or perhaps a month that course will show on your driving record.
How do I register for the course?
It’s easy to register, just click here and get started! After course registration, you can start your driving safety course immediately.
Can I use a mobile device (smart phone, tablet) to take the course?
Yes. Any device with internet access will work. This course was specifically designed to work on any mobile device.
Is this an approved and licensed course?
Yes. We are a Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR) approved course. License number CP023, Course number C3077.
You may have paperwork from the court indicating that you must attend a Texas Education Agency (TEA) approved course. On 9/1/2015 the TEA shifted responsibility for administration and oversite of Driving Safety, Defensive Driving and Driver Education courses to the TDLR. The TEA is no longer the authoritative agency and does not license Driving Safety providers. Any paperwork indicating otherwise is out-of-date. Please check this site for further information – www.tdlr.texas.gov.
How long does the Texas Defensive Driving/Driving Safety Course take?
Our TDLR approved driving safety course is a self-paced online course and takes six hours. All Texas approved courses will require a minimum of six hours. You do not need to take the course in one sitting. You may log in and out as many times as you desire. Finish in one day or over several days – that’s your choice.
What if I don’t have time to complete the course in one sitting?
Our Texas Defensive Driving Course allows you to work at your own pace. Log out whenever you want and when you return – enter your driver license number and password to log back in and work on the course whenever it’s convenient for you.
Can I use another computer or mobile device?
Yes. You may start on one computer and complete it on another. All you need is access to the internet and a web browser.
How long do I have to complete my Texas Defensive Driving/Driving Safety Course?
Generally speaking, you have 90 days from the date you received permission to attend a defensive driving/driving safety course. If you are unsure about when you need to have your completion certificate turned in, contact the court that issued your citation. We recommend that you complete the course in enough time for you to receive your completion certificate by your due date. To be on the safe side we recommend at least one week. We do offer expedited processing for last minute due dates.
How long does it take to receive my completion certificate?
State law requires us to send a certificate of completion directly to you. All certificates have a unique certificate number. It is YOUR responsibility to submit your certificate to the court that issued your citation. With standard service your certificate will be available for download within 5-7 days of completion. We offer 3 day and instant certificate options for your convenience. You can select your processing method during registration. All certificates are available as a PDF download and we do offer to mail your certificate for a nominal charge.
Can I print my own certificate?
Yes. In the 85th Session of the Texas State Legislature there were changes made as to how Uniform Certificates of Completion for Driving Safety Courses can be made available to the student as a PDF. Specifically, SB 848/HB 912 : “Not later than the 15th working day after the course completion date, a course provider or a person at the course provider s’ facilities shall issue and deliver by United States mail or commercial or electronic delivery a uniform certificate of course completion to a person who successfully completes an approved driving safety course.”. This legislation passed and was signed by the Governor effective 6/15/2017. All courts are required to accept a student printed PDF certificate as of 11/1/2018.
All of our certificate processing options include the ability for you to download and print your own certificate.
What if I lose my completion certificate?
If you have misplaced your completion certificate, you may print another by logging into your course profile and downloading your PDF certificate.
How do I get a copy of my Certified Type 3A Texas Driver Record?
You can order a copy of your Driver Record directly from us and we will send it to you with your completion certificate or we can provide your driving record as a download. Many courts require that you provide a copy of your Certified Type 3A Texas Driver Record with your course completion certificate. Check with your court to determine if it is necessary. You can order your Driver Record when registering.
What if my deadline to complete my course has passed?
We suggest that you contact the court and see if there is any way to get an extension to complete your course. If you’ve waited until the last minute we always suggest that you complete your course on or before your due date. Contact your court and ask for an extension to provide them with your certificate. It is always better to complete your course than to let your deadline pass.
What happens if I fail the final?
There is NO FINAL EXAM! You also have unlimited chances to pass the section quizzes.
For a Ticket Dismissal – can I select a court close to me or am I required to select the court on my citation?
You will need to select the ticketing county and court. Your certificate must be turned into the correct court. This is very important because if you select the wrong court the State of Texas requires that you return the original certificate to us before we can issue a corrected certificate.
Can the course be read to me so I don’t have to read?
Yes, and we won’t even charge you for it. In most current browsers there is either a default facility or plugin which allows you to select text and have it read to you. Alternatively, you may select the course material and go to http://translate.google.com and paste the material in to be translated. By default it will translate directly to English. You may then scroll to the bottom of the Google Translate tool and click the “audio” button to have that material read to you.
What if I haven’t found the answers to my questions?
If you still have questions, feel free to contact us.