Why Mix Comedy With Defensive Driving
A defensive driving class can be dull.
You may have sat through as class like that. Especially if you’re old enough to remember when Texas defensive driving classes were always 8 hours long and taught by highway patrolmen. ((shudder))
That’s when the people that founded Comedy Guys started hiring comedians and entertainers to teach the classes. They still cover all the required material, of course, but they do it in a fun way that keeps the boring away. AND makes the time seem to go by more quickly.
Defensive driving — whether a live class or an online course — is more fun with it’s mixed with comedy.
And That’s Why We Hire Comedians as Our Instructors
Comedians teach our classes and write our online course, but they keep the dull out of it. They keep our live classes fun and entertaining while still meeting all the requirements for a Texas state-approved driving safety course.
With our comics, the videos, the several breaks, and the meal, our defensive driving classes will not feel like hard labor.
It was a bit more challenging to add comedy to our online defensive driving course, because we don’t get to actually meet our online customers in person. But we’ve put a page of jokes in every chapter to give you a fun break as you work through the course. And we have a few cartoon characters who pop up now and then to make quips or add especially important information to our online course.
Our Comedian Defensive Driving Instructors
Comedy Guys Defensive Driving has Comedians Teach Our Classes To Keep The Boring Away [our-team group=”Comedians” show_search =no]
Now, Some Comedy with your Defensive Driving…
Here’s some of the fun stuff we’ve added to our blog and our social media over the years. Enjoy.

Comedy Videos
A YouTube playlist of comedy videos: sketches and standup
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Funny Lines
Jokes and quotations from great comedians
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Fun & Games
Blog entries where we’ve been re-posting things that made us laugh

Funny Ha Ha
A Pinterest board of things that made us laugh
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Funny Strange
Things that make us go “Huh…Whah?”
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Everywhere a Sign
A Pinterest board where we’ve collected funny road signs

The Best of Twitter
A collection of video tributes to some funny people, or videos based on some great hashtag jokes
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Comedy Birthdays
Our growing calendar of birthdays of some very funny people
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License Plates
A Pinterest board featuring funny license plates and bumper stickers